Tad Carpenter combines all of the previous things I liked about the others...how they were able to be displayed, show multiple works, and leave an impression, as well as design the packaging. He creates a folder filled with prints--this allows whoever receives it to display or share its contents.
Tom Bagshaw does a neat fold out...kind of like a booklet in that it shows a lot of information in a small format, but I think the accordian format is good for displaying it if someone liked it enough upon receiving it. A booklet is something you can revisit, but you can revisit and display this as art.
Veronica Hebard uses a simple card, but I like how interesting it is. I think if I were to make a card I'd want something simple and engaging like this, with only who I am and a way to contact me/see my work.
Kate Slater made some promotional booklets to mail off and show off her work...I really like that idea. It's small, portable, can be revisited and displays a lot. Maybe a promotional tiny sequential booklet for myself?
Website I am really intrigued by Brandi Milne's art...she has chunky-legged sometimes animal-themed characters and creepy devil faces and weird japanese bubbly-eyed animals that are colored in really dark rusty horrific color schemes...I love it!